Customer Care

Domande Tecniche

Quale tecnologia usa Music Manager

Music manager è basato su:

  • HTML5 e CSS3
  • jQuery Mobile

Cosa mi serve per far girare Music Manager

Basta un browser!

Per sfruttare tutte le funzionailità dell'applicazione dovrai usare un browser mobile di ultima generazione.

Domande Generali

Quale costa usare Music Manager

Niente! È tutto gratis!

Altra domanda su Music Manager

This is a paragraph that contains strong, emphasized and linked text. Here is more text so you can see how HTML markup works in content. Here is more text so you can see how HTML markup works in content.

This is a paragraph that contains strong, emphasized and linked text. Here is more text so you can see how HTML markup works in content. Here is more text so you can see how HTML markup works in content.

Ancora una domanda su Music Manager

This is a paragraph that contains strong, emphasized and linked text. Here is more text so you can see how HTML markup works in content. Here is more text so you can see how HTML markup works in content.

This is a paragraph that contains strong, emphasized and linked text. Here is more text so you can see how HTML markup works in content. Here is more text so you can see how HTML markup works in content.

Credits: Marco Solazzi e